October 2019 RCNA Meeting

The October meeting of the RCNA will be held at 7:00pm, on Thursday, October 24 at 7pm at the Marie Reed Community Center in the DPR classroom.

To access the classroom, enter from 18th Street at the main Recreation Center sign-in, or access the DPR classroom from Champlain Street, NW.

To access the DPR classroom from Champlain Street – as you walk down Champlain there is an entrance gate on the right between the school building and the DC/Fed red brick water system building. The classroom is the first door on the left.

September RCNA Meeting

The September meeting of the RCNA will be held at 7:00pm, on Thursday, September 26.

The September RCNA Meeting will be held at the DPR classroom in the Marie Reed Community Center. The entrance to the DPR classroom is on Champlain Street, NW.

To access the DPR classroom – as you walk down Champlain there is an entrance gate on the right between the school building and the DC/Fed red brick water system building. The classroom is the first door on the left.

August Neighborhood Clean Up

Thanks to all who showed up and volunteered for the August 31 neighborhood clean up.

The cleanup was a great success, we had 15 volunteers and collected over 40 bags of trash!

Thank you for taking the time and for all your help cleaning the neighborhood.

We intend to make the neighborhood cleanups quarterly and hope to see you at the next event!

RCNA Neighborhood Cleanup August 31
RCNA August 31 Neighborhood Clean up in Unity Park
RCNA Neighborhood Clean up. Trash bags at Euclid and Champlain Streets NW

Neighborhood Clean Up

The Reed Cooke Neighborhood Association is sponsoring a neighborhood clean up on Saturday, August 31, from 9:00am – 12noon, at Unity Park.

Come out and help clean our yards, streets, and alleys. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, brighten up the neighborhood, and make a difference.

We’ll provide the rakes, shovels, brooms, and trash bags. You bring work gloves, energy, and a smile.

Meet at Unity Park (at Columbia Rd, Champlain, and Euclid Sts., across from The Line Hotel) at 9am Saturday, August 31.

August RCNA Meeting

The August meeting of the RCNA will take place at the RCNA office at 2410 17th Street, NW, at 7:00pm, on Thursday, August 22. The building is located in the alley between 17th and Ontario. The office entrance is on the north side of the building.

RCNA Member Meetings

Monthly meetings of the Reed Cooke Neighborhood Association (RCNA) are held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at the Marie Reed Recreation Center, DPR Classroom.

The RCNA office is located at 2410 17th Street, NW. The building is located in the alley between 17th and Ontario. The office entrance is on the north side of the building.